In order to improve the fire safety awareness of companyemployees, further strengthen their fire safety awareness, enhance theirability to respond to emergencies, learn how to use fire-fighting equipmentcorrectly, and master the methods and procedures of escape and self rescue, thecompany successfully held a meeting on November 28th A comprehensive fire emergency drill aims to enhanceemployees' ability to respond to fire emergencies, ensuring that they canevacuate and self rescue quickly and orderly in the event of a real fire.

Safety is the top priority for enterprise operations,"said General Manager Lv Fangwei." Through regular fire drills, weensure that every employee is familiar with emergency evacuation procedures andmasters basic fire response skills, thereby protecting the lives of employeesand the property safety of the company

The drill content includes fire evacuation, use of fireextinguishers for firefighting, first aid knowledge, etc. The company alsospecially invited a fire specialist from the horizontal village to providetraining on fire safety knowledge and skills for employees.

Dongguan Jiefu has always been committed to building asafety culture, improving employees' safety awareness through regular safetytraining, drills, and inspections. The company also plans to introduce moresecurity technologies and equipment to further enhance its security managementlevel.

The company always adheres to the principle of"safety first", ensuring the health and safety of employees byproviding a safe working environment and continuous safety education.
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