On September 10th, in the context of promoting localeconomic development and enterprise innovation, Deng Baisong, the mayor ofDalang Town, Dongguan City, and his delegation visited Dongguan Jiefu forresearch. The purpose of this survey is to gain a deeper understanding of theoperational status of enterprises, explore opportunities for cooperation, andhow to better support the further development of enterprises in Dalang Town.

Lv Fangwei, General Manager of Dongguan Jiefu, ZhangJianquan, Deputy General Manager of Production, and Li Kang, Director of theGeneral Office, accompanied the visit to the production workshop and R&Dcenter and reported on the production and operation of the enterprise. FromJanuary to August this year, Dongguan Jiefu saw significant growth inproduction, sales, profits, and tax revenue for the local area compared to thesame period last year; Mayor Deng Baisong praised Dongguan Jiefu for achievingsuch remarkable results in the current economic downturn, and encouragedDongguan Jiefu to continue to adhere to technological innovation, enhanceproduct competitiveness, and strengthen market expansion.

At the same time,Mayor Deng also inquired about the problems and difficulties encountered byenterprises in their development process, stating that the Dalang Towngovernment will provide necessary support and assistance to promote the healthygrowth of enterprises and the prosperity of the local economy.

General Manager Lv Fangwei expressed gratitude to MayorDeng and his delegation for their visit, and provided a detailed introductionto the company's development history, main products, and future developmentplans. Lv Fangwei stated that Dongguan Jiefu will continue to take root inDalang, utilize local industrial advantages and policy support, promote thedevelopment of enterprises to a higher level, and make greater contributions tothe economic development of Dalang Town!
東莞杰夫 三氧化二銻